Eagle Economic Vitality Foundation
Founded in 2019 by the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, the Eagle Economic Vitality Foundation aims to support and promote the economic vitality of Eagle County, Colorado through education, training and scholarships to help local businesses survive and thrive.

The 29th Annual Boone's Screaming Eagle Charity Golf Tournament Needs Your Help!
The 29th Annual Boone's Screaming Eagle Charity Golf Tournament Needs Your Help!
Benefiting the Eagle Economic Vitality Foundation's Screaming Eagle Scholarship Fund and the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, this is a call for volunteers, sponsorships, silent auction donations, scholarship donations and golfers!
The Eagle Chamber will host this year's event on Friday, May 16, 2025 at Eagle Ranch Golf Club in Eagle, Colorado.
Registration kicks off at 9:30 am with a pre-game warm-up, yoga, driving range games and networking.
The tournament launches with a shotgun "scramble" format at 11:00 am. The event is open to amateur players and is limited to 32 teams -but hurry! This even always sells out early. The Screaming Eagle also includes a $10,000 Putting Contest and a host of other rewards for great play.
On-course lunch will be provided, and following the golf, festivities continue with an Aprés Party and Awards Ceremony at the Eagle Ranch Golf Clubhouse. All golf participants are invited to attend the Aprés Party, which includes live music, silent auction and complimentary food and beer.
Sponsorship and player positions are now available, so please review these options to secure your positions at www.screamingeaglegolftournament.com. All sponsorship and player positions must be registered through www.screamingeaglegolftournament.com.
- More information for Screaming Eagle Golf Tournament Sponsorships, Players, Mulligans and Raffle Tickets, contact Mike Stevens at (970) 904-0198 or mstevens1958@gmail.com
- More information for Screaming Eagle Student Scholarships, contact Jessie Steinmetz at screamingeaglescholarship@gmail.com
- More information on Screaming Eagle Silent Auction & Raffle, contact Kate Bates at (407) 497-3428 or kbates@allwestern.com
- More information to Volunteer, contact Scooter Slaughter at scooter@bhhsvail.net
Computer Literacy Program - A Local Workforce Initiative
In conjunction with the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, Eagle Economic Vitality Foundation is executing a Colorado state EDOAG grant to help educate local Spanish-speaking citizens with computer literacy training in an effort to leverage their marketability in the local workforce environment. This workforce initiative exemplifies a commitment to enhance the economic vitality of our community by connecting workers with employers, providing stimulating opportunities to improve lives and contributing to workforce solutions for participating Eagle Chamber Member businesses.
Programa de Computación
Únete a nosotros en nuestro Programa de Computación e Iniciativa Laboral, presentado por la Fundación de Vitalidad Económica de Eagle Chamber.

We Support Local Business
Together we help create grow local businesses, create business relationships, and help promote the success of Eagle's economic vitality.

We Provide Stability
We create programs that benefit entire communities and help areas in need apply for grants and financial assistance.
Be part of the solution
Contact the Eagle Chamber of Commerce to learn more about the Foundation and find out how you can help or benefit from our programs.