Business Resources
Starting a Business in Eagle
Here are some basic steps to follow when starting a business. This list is not all-inclusive; other steps may be appropriate for your specific type of business, and we are here to help you.
Information about Small Business and Self Employed can be found at the IRS website. Specific industries can also be found at the Industries/Professions Web page.
Each state has additional requirements for starting and operating a business. For information regarding state-level requirements for starting a business, please refer to the IRS Web site for Colorado.
Refer also to the Small Business Administration’s Steps to Starting a Business.
- Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) if applicable
- Select a business structure
- Choose a tax year
- Obtain a Business License (Town of Eagle)
- If you have employees have them fill out Form I-9 and Form W-4 (PDF)
- Pay your business taxes